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Ninja Titan Tribe
Thoughts, stories and ideas.
Fast Learning
Getting back into web development which is kind of fun and typically I've mainly read blogs or books. However lately I've been using videos which works better due to the graphical nature of web development. And videos also shows the thought process for building out an app which is quicker to comprehend via speech than text. What I now do is find a video I'm interested in and change the speed to 1.5x playback (shortcut: Shift + '.' key). I watch the video in it's entirety (or a good bit of it
WSL2 Setup
Trying out setting up WSL2 for Windows to try it out again as WSL2 says it has higher performance. When I tried it out before WSL (1) was slow for web projects when there were a lot of node packages. Followed this links to do the initial setup: Some modifications: * Used Dracula theme instead: * Set Font to "Inconsolata for Powerline" * zsh wasn't setup as
Google Analytics
When starting a blog it's important to be able to track your users. This gives motivation to write. For Gatsby it's easy enough to setup tracking: * Signup for Google Analytics * Follow this to add a Google Analytics plugin and add your Google Analytics tracking ID to the gatsby-config.js file: Deploy and you're done! Don't forget there's also a Google Analytics phone app that is handy to view your metrics on the go.
Simple Systems
Was reading the blog post below about simple systems causing less downtime. Good article that exemplifies how keeping a system simple increases uptime. As software engineers we're inclined to gravitate to the shiny and complex things. The shiny and complex things sounds cool so why not right? It gets our nerve receptors firing with the dopamine hit and we want more. It's "cool" to have a complicated architecture diagram and with a lot of moving pieces such as queues, topics, pub/sub, cachin
Best Way I'd Learn How to Code If I Were to Start Over Again
If I were brand new to coding here's where I'd probably start. I'd find a language I'd like to learn. Easiest in my opinion would be a statically typed language to start off with. What's statically typed? It means the data types gets checked up front at compile time instead of later on at runtime. This allows you to have less pain and frustration of having an error later on and you can get immediate feedback. And they usually have suggestions for what methods are available to be called to hel