Best Way I'd Learn How to Code If I Were to Start Over Again

If I were brand new to coding here's where I'd probably start.

I'd find a language I'd like to learn. Easiest in my opinion would be a statically typed language to start off with.

What's statically typed? It means the data types gets checked up front at compile time instead of later on at runtime.

This allows you to have less pain and frustration of having an error later on and you can get immediate feedback. And they usually have suggestions for what methods are available to be called to help with typing and remove a lot of guessing/googling for the right method name.

Examples of statically typed languages are C#, Java, Typescript, etc.

Personally I'd start with C# as it has a low learning curve. And then expand to other languages based on your needs.

Quickest way to get started with C# without having to download the SDK, an editor like Visual Studio Code, etc. is to use a REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop) environment like:

That will let you get quick feedback. To learn C# start with beginner tutorials like:

Good luck and have fun!